Today’s Life Lesson: No Drugs

“Death in this situation is drowning. Your central nervous system stops working, so your lungs stop moving. When your lungs stop moving they fill up with body fluid. That means that your brain stays alive, while you die. But your body can’t do anthing about it. And people out there who think, “Oh I don’t even care if it kills me ’cause I’ll just fall asleep, and I’ll be high, and it’ll be great.” That’s BULLSHIT! It’s not going to be like that. It’s going to be terrible! People say, “Time is a healer.” It isn’t! It really isn’t. All that you do is put on a slightly thicker skin to deal with the pain. He would of been dead 2 years in a couple of weeks time. It’s as fresh and as raw as it was the day I got that phone call. In fact, sometimes it’s worst. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. I really wouldn’t.”

Glenn Le Santo on the use of drungs after his son Nimai Le Santo overdosed on drugs (Cocaine, Amphetamines, MDMA, Ketamine, Liquid G, and Heroin).